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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Presentation Requirement = 30% for the semester grade

What topic/ Chapter are you responsible for? click here to your chapter  due March 28, 2012

understand that everyone in the group receive the SAME grade for this project. if you are absent on the day of the presentation, your group will present without you. but the presentation will go on.... A calendar will be posted soon. if non of you are present on the day of the presentation all member will get a ZERO =(

use the chapter Health Inventory to create an outline for your Power Points...
after you create the powerpoint... condense your info into a Brochure.

you must use UPDATED information from reliable resource you found online... Examples from .gov/.edu/.org websites.... please give them credits for your research!

have fun... I look forward to your presentations!
here are what everyone's presenting from my 3 classes..
(I only name one of the 2 persons in the group, let me know if there's a mistake!)
search CDC for your topic
Unit 2: Physical Activity and Nutrition

Chapter 4: Physical Activity for Life HW for 2/27/12

Chapter 5: Nutrition and Your Health Hw for 3/2/12

Chapter 6: Managing Weight and Body Composition HW for 3/12/12  *Azmi
Unit 3: Mental and Emotional Health

Chapter 7: Achieving Good Mental Health  Daniel L. * Annabell

Chapter 8: Managing Stress and Anxiety   Janelle * Amber * Desara

Chapter 9: Mental and Emotional Problems  Michelle * Sanjay * Stephanie M.
Unit 4: Promoting Safe and Healthy Relationships

Chapter 10: Skills for Healthy Relationships dominique * Lauren

Chapter 11: Family Relationships  aniqa * Gio * Silvia

Chapter 12: Peer Relationships   amir * Thalia* Tara

Chapter 13: Violence Prevention    jose * Soleny * Junior
Unit 5: Personal Care and Body Systems

Chapter 14: Personal Care and Healthy Behaviors  Jeffery * Sami * Alda

Chapter 15: Skeletal, Muscular, and Nervous Systems   Tray *Joy *Oralia

Chapter 16: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems  Luisa * Olvy * Miqueas

Chapter 17: Digestive and Urinary Systems Chantel* Kennie * Ajay

Chapter 18: Endocrine and Reproductive Systems angie * Alek * Albert
Unit 6: Growth and Development

Chapter 19: Prenatal Development and Birth Briani * Luz

Chapter 20: Adolescence and the Life Cycle Shatima * Jay
Unit 7: Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drugs

Chapter 21: Tobacco * Ryan * Pablo

Chapter 22: Alcohol Ricardo * Anna  * Afroza

Chapter 23: Medicines and Drugs Mustahid * Daniel C. * Annabell
Unit 8: Diseases and Disorders

Chapter 24: Communicable Diseases Stepanie J.* Saugi * Jessica

Chapter 25: Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDS Missy * Tamara * Tania

Chapter 26: Noncommunicable Diseases and Disabilities Nana et.
Unit 9: Injury Prevention and Environmental Health

Chapter 27: Injury Prevention and Safe Behaviors  Deyvi

Chapter 28: First Aid and Emergencies  Joseph * Xiu Zhen * Christy

Chapter 29: Environmental Health  Matthew * You Kai

Week #4 - Ch4 Physical Activity for Life

Monday: 2/27/12
HW Ch4 Health Inventory
Lesson 1: Physical Activity and your Health
Notes: Voc + Review questions (group disscusion and presentation in class).

Journal check #3 of J-7,8,9

Tuesday: 2/28/12
Lesson 2: Fitness and You

Vocbulary + figuring out BMI

English BMI Formula
BMI = ( Weight in Pounds / ( Height in inches x Height in inches ) ) x 703
* remember that 12 inches for every foot* convert first!
Example 5'2" is 12x 5'=60 + 2" overall is 62"
so if a person is (125 lbs/ 62"x62") x 703= 22.86

Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) Metric BMI Calculator
Height ft in
Weight lbs
Or use our BMI Chart to determine your Body Mass Index.

Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator

Severe or "morbid" obesity is a chronic condition that is difficult to treat through dietary modification and exercise alone. Classifications of obesity are defined by your Body Mass Index (BMI). You are considered obese if you have a BMI of 30 or more. Severe obesity is defined as having a BMI of more than 35. Morbid obesity constitutes a BMI of 40 or more. To determine if someone is a candidate for surgery, we use a BMI greater than 35.

Your Pulse and Your Target Heart Rate

What is your pulse?Your pulse is your heart rate, or the number of times your heart beats in one minute. Pulse rates vary from person to person. Your pulse is lower when you are at rest and increases when you exercise (because more oxygen-rich blood is needed by the body when you exercise).

Knowing how to take your pulse can help you evaluate your exercise program.

How to take your pulse1. Place the tips of your index, second, and third fingers on the palm side of your other wrist, below the base of the thumb. Or, place the tips of your index and second fingers on your lower neck, on either side of your windpipe. (See the illustrations to the right.)

2. Press lightly with your fingers until you feel the blood pulsing beneath your fingers. You might need to move your fingers around slightly up or down until you feel the pulsing.

3. Use a watch with a second hand, or look at a clock with a second hand.

4. Count the beats you feel for 10 seconds. Multiply this number by six to get your heart rate (pulse) per minute.

Check your pulse: _______________ x 6 = ________________
(beats in 10 seconds) (your pulse)

What is a normal pulse?

Age Group

Normal Heart Rate at Rest

Children (ages 6-15)70-100 beats per minute
Adults (age 18 and over)60-100 beats per minute

What is maximum heart rate?The maximum heart rate is the highest your pulse rate can get. To calculate your predicted maximum heart rate, use this formula:

220 - Your Age = Predicted Maximum Heart Rate

Example: a 40-year-old's predicted maximum heart rate is 180.

Your actual maximum heart rate can be determined by a graded exercise test.

HW: Journal # 10 Cardio Test on pg 81 & 84 or use this target heart rate calculation

run or step to pick up your heart rate.... take the heart beats per min... like for 15 sec x 4 for one minute.
see if you were able to work up to your cardio rate to train yourself cardiovascularly.

Wednesday: 2/29/12 Leap year - once every four year!
Lesson STI: Presentation in the auditorium - get tested! (get Extra Credit when you share your result with Miss Wang!)  Take the TEST if you went to the Senior trip!
2nd and 7th period only - meet in Rm 348 for attendance then walk down with Miss Wang to the auditorium. 3rd period meet in Room 350 for computer lab time (working on your chapter presentation).

Thursday: 3/1/12
Lesson 3: Planning a Personal Activity Program
Do Now: voca.
aim: develop a personal fitness plan workout-plan-creators a FIT person = 72beats/min or lower
notes: Review Q & A on pg 92
1) see pg 88
2) see pg 90 The basics of Physical Activity Program = Overload, Progression and Specificity
3) F = Frequency  I= Intensity   T= Time/duration  T= Type

HW: Journal 11- Establish a reasonable fitness goal. come up with a custom FITT exercise plan and state how this is a PREVENTIVE health care?

TFIG: 3/2/12
Lesson 4 + 5: Training and Safety for Physical Activities + Physical Activity Injuries
Do Now: Vocabulary

Wrap up with Chapter Review

Journal 12: prepare a list of safety equipment needed for at least 3 activities you enjoy. If injury occurs talk about how R.I.C.E. can be applied to treat them.

Chapter 5 next!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Winter break week -> Feb 20-24

Journal 9: Food & exercise journal
-keep 2 separate days from waking to sleeping - your food and exercise LOG than compare the two. Were you consistent with your eating and activities those 2 days?

start on your PERSONAL projects.... outline!
you may even search the NYC DOE website for Health Info. like
Grades 7-12: Adolescents learn to avoid alcohol and other drugs, which may impair their judgment and put them at increased risk for HIV/AIDS infection. They are strongly encouraged to abstain from sexual intercourse. Some lessons also address methods of prevention, including the correct and consistent use of latex condoms, which can greatly reduce the risk of HIV/STI infection among people who are sexually active. Lessons also address HIV testing and explore how HIV/AIDS has affected our society.

******* also get TESTED for STI - letters were distributed in your 2nd Period class. *********

Friday, February 10, 2012

Week#3: Chapter 3 - Being a Health literate Consumer

Health Inventory for Ch3   Test this Friday!

Feb 13-17
MON HW: Trifold project - Influences on your buying decision. Name 2 products you've bought because of the advertisement...Due Wednesday at the end of the period

did you turn in Journal for check #2 (on Chapter 2)

today we learned about the types of propoganda in Advertising
watch the   fat-buring pill commercial 
here which Technique did they use? 
study guides

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4

TUES: Specialist in Health Care Services.... how to access them!

Journal #7
how many do you know? have you seen any of them and for what condition? who is your insurance provider... how do you get to see your specialist through your health plan.

check them out

Happy VD!

WED: Consumer Rights! Vocab... for lesson 3 & 4
Finish your project from pg 47 in your text CONSUMER CHOICES brochure.

Journal #8: Find a reciept of a product you've purchase and write a complaint letter because something was wrong about your purchase.... see  pg 62 for guide on how to write one.

THURS: REVIEW of Chapter 1,2,& 3

click  the page for larger view or save to your computer for original size.

FRIDAY: Test 1 of 2  Mid Marking Period Assessment

Happy Winter break... make some healthy snack while you work on your project.
check out healthy-sweet-desserts

Collect labels for your Chapter 3 collage...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week #2: Chapter 2- Building Health Skills & Character

Week 2 (Feb 6-10)

Mon: Wrap up Ch1 with review - Poster work (health triangle). 
HW - Health Inventory for Ch 2.

Chapter 2: Building Health Skills and Character

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3

Tue: Ch 2 lesson 1 - Building Health Skills (How to say no, when it's against your value)

Stress management
Journal #4: What stresses you the most and how do you manage?
check these tips teen-relax

Wed: Ch 2 leeson 2 - Decision making (HELP) &  Setting Goal (Action Plan)

Journal #5: Write a short and long term Health Goal... and the action plan to carry it out.

Thur: Ch 2 lesson 3 - Building Character
          6 traits of good character -
 (Trustworthiness - respect - responsibility - fairness - caring - citizenship).

Journal#6: define your own character... (rate your self based on these traits and give examples).

HW: Chapter2 review

Friday: meet in the computer lab ;-)
do now:  Fill in the blanks
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Quiz ( if you are absent - do it for HW) copy & paste the lessons and fill in the blanks. record score after chapter review in your notebook section.

Journal check #2 (journal #4-6) on Monday!

Start on Project  (pamphlet/ brochure) with your group member... online search....
Practice making a brochure for CH2.

Have and SAFE & Fun Senior trip!
Hw#2: Health Inventory on Chapter week!
then  mid-marking period test...