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Friday, March 30, 2012

Week#9 ch 10,11,12 before Spring Break

Monday: 4/2/12
Unit 4: Promoting Safe and Healthy Relationships
Chapter 10 do now... chapter review Q&A
Chapter 10: Skills for Healthy Relationships Vocabulary Flashcards
Lesson 1                  
Lesson 2
Miss Wang on sick leave
substitue work is vocabulary and chapter review

4/3/12: Tuesday
worksheet: ch 10 study guide
Chapter 10: Skills for Healthy Relationships
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Presentation from students...."Relationship is"
Ph112 - Dominique
Ph113 -
Ph117 - Lauren & Junior

HW: Ch 11 review Q& A

J-20: What are the 5 levels of  relationahip? see 5 levels of relationships and write about your relationship with others at that level.
Level 1—Relationships deal with facts. These are safe, nonthreatening, objective information like tests, recipes, and advertisements. Most classroom time is level 1.
Level 2—Relationships deal with what others say. "They say it’s going to rain today." "I hear that the play is terrible." Level 2 won’t get you into any controversy.
Level 3—Relationships deal with opinion/judgement. Your opinion about facts can begin to open the door for possible disagreement. "I don’t like the color of her outfit." "I wish that team had won, they were best." There is some risk-taking here.
Level 4—Relationships deal with feelings. You begin to expose how you feel about something. For instance, you may tell someone how angry you are, talk about your anxiety or about your love for someone. It’s far more risky to share from your heart than from your mind.
Level 5—Relationships deal with exposing yourself and needs. The greatest risk, deepest sharing, talking about your needs will require trust and honesty both with yourself and with the other person. This level takes time to develop. It doesn’t come easily.

4/4/12: Wednesday
worksheet from online study guide
Chapter 11: Family Relationships
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Presentation from students.... "Family"
Ph112 - Aniqa
Ph113 - Gio
Ph117 - Silivia &

HW: Ch 12 review Q and A
J-21: My relationships :
- list as many as you can and write about your most significant one. (Why is it the most significant? What did you do to keep that relationship significant?)
4/5/12: Thursday
worksheet from online study guide
Chapter 12: Peer Relationships
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4

Presentation from students.... "Peer"
Ph112 - Amir & Gino
Ph113 - Thalia
Ph117 - Tara

4/6/12: Good FRIDAY - Happy Easter: Spring break Assignment
Individual Brochure on the chapter you chose.


Monday, March 26, 2012

Week #8 : Ch 9 & Test# 3

Monday: 3/26/12
Do. Now: Chapter review on pg 244
Q& A #1-14
Chapter 9: Managing Mental and Emotional Health

Presentation from students....
Ph112 - Michelle and Mariah
Ph113 - Sanjay and Richard
Ph117 - Desara and Stepahnie
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4

Reminded the students that the journal check #6 (#16, 17, 18)
ALL power points due on Wednesday

Study for Test on Wednesday
Unit 3: Mental and Emotional Health

Chapter 7: Achieving Good Mental Health

Chapter 9: Managing Mental and Emotional Health

Chapter 8: Managing Stress and Anxiety  (Drag and drop)
Lesson 1
3/27/12 Tuesday
Guest presenter: Celine for EATWISE Food Bank NYC - change one thing
& Review for Ch7,8,9
3/28/12 Wednesday - email powerpoints to
Test #3 on Chapter 7,8,9 notes & Jounral Check #6
3/29/12 Thursday
R.A.P.P Final workshop: how to build a HEALTHY relationship!
Parent Teacher conference tonight 5:30-8pm & tomorrow afternoon 12:30 to 2:30 pm
3/30/12 TGIF
Half day PTC schedule: Periods 1-4
Poster project: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
**************************************J-19: What are your personal Hierarchy of Needs?

Extra credit: Volunteer at your local food bank. see for more info.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week#7: Ch 7, 8 Mental Health (part 1)

Putting the stress on!!!! 2 chapters per week!    Unit 3: Mental and Emotional Health

Monday: 3/19/12 Test #2 correction

HW - Chapter 7: Review
Quizlet on Vocbulary

Journal # 16 - from the movie we watched Last week FOOD INC. Research PINK SLIME what's the connection of the 2? you can continue writing on the notes I passed back from last Friday.

Tuesday: Presentation Day for Ch 7

online interactive study guide:

Chapter 7: Achieving Good Mental Health

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4

Journal #17 - R.A.P.P. Signs (flags and hearts) scavenger hunt... there 21 in all.! find at least 15 of them. write them down in your journals. you may also take the pictures.
 Wednesday: Chapter 8 presentation Classwork: Chapter 8 Review
Quizlet on Vocbulary

Chapter 8: Managing Stress and Anxiety

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Thursday& Friday: R.A.P.P workshop part 1 & 2 out of 3
journal 18: what are the different types of relationship abuse? give an example

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Week# 6 (CH6) Managing Weight and Body Composition

chapter 6 review:

3/12/12 Monday
Lesson 1: Maintaining Healthy Weight
Aim: Body Image & your weight, is it healthy?
Do Now: vocabulary
Worksheet on what body parts do you value when it comes to your body image?
Body Image starts young - "truth about Barbie and Ken dolls"
Notes on pg 148 - how to maintain Healthy Weight

HW: Chapter 6 Health Inventory

Journal 15: Your Diet makeover - refer to your BMI to see what diet you need.
3/13/12 Tuesday
Lesson 2: Fad Diets and Eating Disorder
Do now: vocabulary
Notes :
Risky Diets: Fad diet, liquid diet, fasting, diet pills
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are psychiatric illnesses diagnosed by a health care provider.
There are 3 types of eating disorders:

1) Anorexia Nerovosa
      Weight loss to below 15% of normal weight
      Extreme fear of gaining weight
      Distorted body image
      Loss of menstrual cycle

2) Bulimia Nervosa
      Eating too much at one time (bingeing)
      Purging by vomiting, misuse of laxatives or excessive exercise.
      Recurring at least twice a week for 3 months

3) Binge Eating Disorder -
    including 3 or more of the following
       Eating rapidly
       Eating until filling uncomfortably full
       Eating large amount of food when not hungry
       Eating alone out of embarrassment
       Feeling guilty or depressed after overeating

3/14/12 (Pi Day)
Lesson 3: Nutrition for Individual Needs

Hw Chapter 6 review

3/15/12 Test Day (last day of marking period)
turn in your journals....
3/16/12 TGIF day

FOOD INC. Documentary film

Monday, March 5, 2012

Week #5 : March 5 -9
Chapter 5 - Nutrition and Your Health
HW: Health Inventroy for Ch 5

Do now.... Lesson 1 & 2 vocabulary

Class work: Identify the vitamin/mineral with the 1st column description. then cut and paste the corresponding function of each. then also label the type of vitamin/ mineral that it is.

see the chart on pg 119, 120 , 121

Tuesday: 3/6/12
Lesson 3: guideline for Healthful Eating
My Food Pyramid: List what you ate yesterday under the appropriate categories (pg 124)
Extra credit: What Vitamin and Minerals do you get from your diet (see previous day's matching chart).
J-13: The FOOD Pyramid My plate (Fast food eating) also the history of the food pyramid...
My foods. My fitness. My health.
Get your personalized nutrition and physical activity plan.
Track your foods and physical activities to see how they stack up.
Get tips and support to help you make healthier choices and plan ahead.

make 2 columns-    one healthy               one unhealthy food
which column has more food? so was your diet healthy or unhealthy

Wednesday: 3/7/12
Miss Wang is at the Health Smart 101 workshop
Substitute will take you to the computer lab for your project Research from website online:
Put your result on the Powerpoints.... cite your resource .gov, .edu, .org

email your powerpoint to
Thursday: 3/8/12
Lesson 4: Food and Healthy Living
Do Now: Vocabulary
In class activity: Food label reading.... get 2 food labels and compare...

Here’s What to Do

fill in the food label blanks

  • Read the food label and fill in the worksheet as completely as possible.
  • Take a look at the amount of calories, fat, sodium, sugar, fiber and calcium per serving in the selected snack. Is this a good or bad snack choice?
  • Let's say you're hungry and eat the whole thing! If your label says there is more than a single serving per container, do the math to see what the entire package will give you.
For example, if it's 250 calories per serving and the snack is considered to be 3 servings in size, you'd multiply 250 x 3 for a whopping 750 calories!

Wrap up with Chapter 5 Review on pg 140
answer 1-12 and #10-11 on Recalling the facts

J-14: Food label reading..... collect all the labels from the food you eat in a day. Calculate your total intake.... Calories, Fat, Cholestrol, Sodium, Total Carbohydrate and Protein.

Friday: 3/9/12
Miss Wang is at the Health Smart 102 workshop
Substitute will take you to the computer lab for your project Research from website online:
Finish the powerpoint.... cite your resource .gov, .edu, .org and start of the brochure on Microsoft Publisher.
email  to